ocr: FERMENTING CONTAINERS & CLUSURES PRMARY FERMENTER/BCTTUING BUCKET 8.7 Gallan, white tood-grade, with sealing i1 a wire handle. $B.36 Plastic spigot, threaded, with nut & gasket, fita 1" hela. $4.36 GLASS CARBOYS NEW 6 GALLDN, Italian made 29.15 stancard veate Botuc, 5 gations 10. 3 Sizes ! Mini 3 gallan 19.55 FERMENT LOCK Specify J-po, citanable, or S-type. bubbier 19 G365 S-typn Very Inpparit 86.95 FERMENTATION LOCK ADAMTCNE wol have all. sixna, fram +2 te 13 in wnitB rubber, The most used are: #2, for wne borte i6 NB, fur juga, FOR for most carnoys, and R7 tar cicer cartoys 8e KRATON BUNGS C ...